Idealists are hypocrite
I hate hypocrisy in People. And I believe that Idealists are nothing but hypocrites. I have observed people around me. Most of them show true passion about certain ideas and express strong opinion to support it. But in reality, it is never black or white but always 1000 shades of grey.
May be this is known fact and one should not accept someone’s claim of being Idealists. But why it bothers me? I like to believe people on their words. This is very naive way to live life but that is how it is. Part of me wants to believe in idealist world. But as true idealist does not exists. Their passion and expressions are mostly lies that they tell to others. Sometime to them self. They create wrong expectation about their behavior in my mind and when they act differently, it feels stupid to believe their words in first place. Almost like they cheated you.
I am very careful with idealists people because they always have hidden dark hypocrite face behind idealists mask.