Every skill is a learned skill
More than often we are faced with the desire or needs to acquire new skills. Be it driving at age of 18 or excel spreadsheet for that finance job. It could also be a daunting task like learning a new musical instrument or being effective public speaker. When faced with the situation of learning a new skill, more than often the urge to give up is extremely strong. Especially when that skill is not essential for your living. Most common excuse or argument to not work towards acquiring such skill is ‘you don’t have talent or capabilities to learn it’. Such people points to other successful musicians or public speaker and mark them with natural talent that they don’t have. I strongly believe that such a mindset is a mindset of a loser.
Every Skill is a learned skill. Nothing comes naturally.
It is persistent practice and effort to get better that
leads to acquiring certain skills. Especially in the face
of initial failures.
This also brings home the idea that you can learn anything you want as long as you are ready to put time and effort. As long as you are determined to not give up when you fail. Be it learning to drive a car, playing guitar or even picking up girls at bars. Be it public speaking, writing blogs or leadership. So everytime you want to build your new skill, questions should not be whether you can learn it or not, but how much time it will require and what kind of practice you will undergo for it.